Golden Buddhas

In celebration of the opening of the Shenten Thagye Ling Gompa (Temple) in September 2024, we invite you to deepen your connection to the living Bön wisdom lineage through a special Offering. The essence of the practice of Offering ultimately lives in our minds and hearts. However, the offering of one of the Four Primordial Buddha statues residing in Shenten Thagye Ling Gompa can provide a meditative and devotional focus for your practice and a lasting connection to this sacred monastery.

With a donation of $1,000 USD, made individually, as a group or as a gift, you can choose one of the Four Primordial Buddhas (shown below) to be placed in the Monastery Gompa. Choose up to 12 letters or characters to engrave on a plaque on the back of your chosen Buddha, honoring an event, a person or whatever resonates with you. Each Buddha will be part of all monastery life, symbolizing a continuous spiritual link to the monastery, the community and the lineage.

The Four Primordial Buddhas of Bön are the source from which 1000 Buddhas manifest, benefiting all beings. They form the foundation of many profound teachings and practices within this ancient tradition, depicted in every monastery across the Bön lineage.

100% of the donation will be used to complete Shenten Thagye Ling Monastery and Cultural Center.

Join us in this remarkable opportunity to connect with the Bön lineage in a deeply personal and transformative way.

Satrig Ersang

Satrig Ersang

Satrig Ersang is the principle female Buddha of the Bön lineage and is named first among the Four Primordial Buddhas. She is golden in color with a single face and two hands holding a yungdrung of the five heroic syllables and a mirror. Sherab Chamma is an activity manifestation of Satrig Ersang and is very commonly practiced as a meditational deity, the embodiment of the Wisdom Loving Mother. Other important manifestations of Satrig Ersang are Yeshe Walmo and Sidpa Gyalmo, the principal protectors of the Bön tradition.
Shenlha Ödkar

Shenlha Ödkar

Shenlha Ödkar, known as the Great White Deity, sits in meditation posture upon a throne of a white moon disc and lotus held by four white elephants or snow lions. He is beautifully ornamented by earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and scarves. As the embodiment of compassion and light, he emanates many forms for the liberation from suffering of all the beings of the six realms of existence. As a principle meditational deity, he supports the transformation of practitioners into beings filled with wisdom and compassion for all.
Sangpo Bumtri

Sangpo Bumtri

Sangpo Bumtri, the Silver Deity of Phenomenal Existence, is the procreator tasked with bringing forth the beings of the world. He plays important roles in Bön’s creation mythology and cosmology.  One hand rests in his lap in meditational posture while the other is raised, holding a banner, while his throne is supported by Garudas. He radiates silver wisdom light in all directions for the benefit of all beings.
Shenrap Miwo

Shenrap Miwo

Shenrap Miwo is also known as Tonpa Shenrap, the great teacher of Bön in the present cosmic age. He taught and demonstrated through his activities many paths to enlightenment, as a prince and king, as a householder with wife and children, as a monk living a life of seclusion, and as a yogi. Tonpa Shenrap is depicted in various ways according to the stage of his life but as part of the Four Primordial Buddhas is usually blue in color, with one hand touching the ground as a sign of his enlightenment, and the other resting in meditation pose in his lap holding a chakshing, the symbol of eternal truth.