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A Magical Trip to the Mustang Region of Nepal, by Paula Sacks


Ordinary views are extraordinary in Nepal

This last June I was fortunate to travel to Nepal for the first time.  However it won’t be my last!

I was invited as a Foundation Board member to see some of the projects that the Foundation supports: attend the ceremony for the Water Irrigation system; scout land sites for the future monastery to bring the Bonn Traditions back to that area; and to meet the Boarding school children that the Foundation has supported for the last two years.

Traveling to Nepal was long but the excitement made the time fly by.  After traveling 30 hours I was greeted at the airport in Nepal by a smiling Geshe Sonam who blessed me with a Kata, the Tibetan Prayer Scarf.  While I arrived safely my luggage didn’t.  My first suitcase arrived a few days later but the second one arrived 14 days later.  If ever there was a trip to “let go of stuff” this was the trip!

A sweet greeting from the children in Jomsom

A sweet greeting from the children in Jomsom

After a few sightseeing days in Katmandu, we flew to Jomsom to see the fruits of our Sangha’s labor.  Our initial meeting with the children was the morning we arrived in Jomsom.  We were welcomed with smiles, songs and prayers.  The children had just finished their morning lessons and breakfast before changing into the school uniforms to begin the full day at school.  We waved goodbye and planned to see them Saturday.

Ceci and Steven, Adi and Gary, Michelle and Forrest, Karin, Paola and myself spent months gathering toys; school supplies, hats, sunglasses, art decals, and beanie babies to give to the children.  On Saturday, it was like Christmas morning in Nepal!  The children were so excited with all the presents.  Parents of the children walked fours hours that morning to meet us and show their appreciation and express their gratitude.  We spent the morning playing, coloring and just being with the children.  It was so humbling to see the smiling happy children who shared what little they had with each other.  The older children were so kind and gentle with the littler ones.  All the children interacted with all the adults so there was no way to tell who belonged to whom.  It seemed like everyone just belonged!  All of us “Westerners” had tears in our eyes all day from the love and compassion towards one another and the simplicity of their lives.


Older and younger children get along well in the Himalayan Children’s Home

There are 26 children living at the Boarding school this year.  Menri has instructed Geshe Sonam to add only 4 children a year for the growth of the School; this means that beginning in January 2015, the Foundation is committed to 30 children.  I personally witnessed Geshe Sonam telling a father that next year is full but that we could accept his child in 2016!   Teaching young Tibet children about their heritage, culture, language and traditional Bonn practices is what Tibetan parents want for their children.  Word is spreading fast!

In 2015, the cost for room, board and education is $1,000 per child.  I already have on-going commitments from several wonderful Sangha members.  If you are interested in sponsoring a child in Tibet, please contact me.  In the meantime, I recorded the children playing a game with Michelle, Forrest, Karin and Paola which is posted on our website.  We had no idea what the words to the song the children were singing, but the laughter and fun is what united our group.  Enjoy!

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Please click the button below to learn more about how you can partner with us through giving.[/fusion_text][fusion_button link=”https://mustangbonfoundation.org/donations” color=”default” size=”small” stretch=”” type=”” shape=”” target=”_self” title=”” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”” icon=”” icon_position=”left” icon_divider=”no” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”1″ animation_offset=”” alignment=”left” class=”” id=””]Donate Today[/fusion_button][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]